God puts people in our path, even when we don’t know we need them. It’s always been my desire that people who follow this Blog learn about this disease and appreciate our reliance on faith and positive attitude. We’ve been lifted up family, friends and strangers. Here’s an example: I first met Joe several years ago when I was invited onto his softball team for a local softball tournament. This occurred not long after I was diagnosed with, at that time, an unknown cancer. At a restaurant after the game I learned that Joe and his wife Tammy pastor a church here in the Valley. Joe prayed for me that day and indicated he would continue to follow my situation. Last Thursday my 70+ Sidewinders softball team had a scrimmage game with the 65+ Sidewinders team. As I came up to bat for the first time the catcher was Joe. Before the first pitch he briefly said, “we need to talk after the game.” I stayed after the game and Joe told me an inspiring s...
Beating the Odds is about my upcoming battle to defeat Peritoneal Mesothelioma with multiple objectives. I have a large network of friends and family supporting me along with the prayer teams at churches I’ve never attended. I hope this method of sharing information will be easier for all of us. My plan is to come through this battle whole. If my success story helps anyone else on their journey with this disease it will make this effort priceless.