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Surgery Update

Sorry, it’s taken me a week to post an update about my surgery last Friday.  Things were a bit rough!

After all my previous posts about how Chemo is not so bad….I feel so good!…like I don’t even have cancer, blah, blah, blah.  Well, I finally got paybacks this last week.

The HIPEC surgery lasted 8 hours and was not without issues.  There was a segment of my abdomen hidden behind old scar tissue from my previous colon surgery.  Once he got inside that area he found more tumors.  He certainly could not access all of it.  There were also some tumors on my colon which required another resection.  They did do the hot chemo wash at the end, so we are praying that was able to knock the cancer back on it’s heels for a while.  I won’t lie, we had much higher hopes with this surgery.

My recovery is coming along nicely.  I was able to leave the hospital on the fourth day after surgery.  My incision is pretty dramatic and, I might add, sort of Badass!  It is still tender and sore.  I think I’ve had some longer nausea with this type of chemotherapy but it seems to be going away now. Also, food is just beginning to taste better.

It’s so hot here I can only go outside early in the morning or after the sun goes down.  But, that is off-set by my new caretaker team.  This team does not wake me up every :30 minutes all night long!  Rachel got here the day before surgery and Diane’s sister Barb arrived yesterday.  They are taking great care of me!

Our next steps are being planned right now.  As they develop, I will continue to share our need for prayers.  Initially, we are looking for clinical trails that fit my situation. 

God is Good and we are in His hands.  Thank you for your continued  support and prayers.  I love you all.


  1. Thanks for the update Mark. Sorry to hear about the additional tumors. Praying for your surgery recovery, peace, and for the work on forward plans. You do have a beautiful support team! Love you, Cory

  2. Capt Mark, God bless you and your team Brother. We continue our prayers and love to you, your family and medical team. I have no doubt you will overcome these obstacles and roadblocks with your faith and determination, combined with the love and support of your family and friends. Keep the faith, be strong, God is on your side!
    Luv ya!

  3. Mark, you couldn’t have a more loving, conscience care team. They are the best, and on top of that, they love you dearly.
    So grateful Rachel and Barb can be
    there, providing encouragement and support for you and Diane.
    You continue to be in good hands at Mayo…it is a great research hospital. But, the best hands of all, are those of our dear Lord who is holding you up, bringing you the best healing and comfort.
    .My love to you all, and continued prayers.
    Sis Joan

    1. “ conscientious” ๐Ÿ˜˜. I told you, you’re the writer! xo, Joan

    2. Always thinking of you, praying for the doctors to have the knowledge to heal you and knowing you will stay strong and fight through this. Two of your prayer warriors standing with you. Always. Love, Laura & Donnie

  4. Thanks for the update Mark. I’m so glad you’re home surrounded by loved ones. God’s goodness never ends, just get through 1 day at a time.

  5. Mark, Your uplifting attitude is an inspiration to us all. Let the strong person you are continue this fight to get well. Were keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Blessings to all that are there to help. If you need anything, please reach out. We’re just down the road. K&M

  6. Mark, we continue to think of you and send you good thoughts and positive wishes. You are missed, and we know you’ve got this! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’•☀️

  7. Mark. We think of you often and pray that you are healing and recovering in a loving setting with all your support group. We miss you and wish you well. Andy and Becky

  8. I was so sorry to hear that the surgery was so harsh. I am in awe that with all you are going through, you still find the time and strength to write your blog. Keep up the good fight, I am thinking of you both and sending my love.


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