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Home Sweet Home

Do you know the signs of an Alaskan Springtime?

We knew we were home on May 10th, our first full day in Alaska.  Here’s how we knew:  there were only sporadic piles of snow in shady spots, tiny little green buds appeared on all the bare trees, every car was filthy dirty from the long winter, and gravel and dust was everywhere from road maintenance…but we felt right at home!  Then, the exciting clues started to show their presence; we saw the first float plane of the season in the air, two Bald Eagles flirted in the skies above the neighborhood, Diane spotted a moose on her way to Barb’s house and the beautiful snow capped Chugach Mountains backdropped the city.  

We hit the ground running this past week, or should I say swimming?

Here’s a story about the most amazing thing that happened the first week. Days before we left for Alaska, Emily Hale invited us to be present for their kids Taylor and Austin’s water baptism. They are 6 and 9 years old respectively and made the decision to be baptized at the end of the school year. The event was to be a small family gathering and the baptism pool would be their outdoor hot tub! 

What Emily didn’t know is that for some time now I have been thinking I’d like to be baptized.  My early testimony is that I was raised Lutheran by my Mother and all three kids of us kids were baptized as small children.  I have always considered that to be sufficient.  But, as I’ve grown in my faith I recognize that it’s also important as an adult to make a public commitment to following Jesus.  I have been procrastinating, wanting something special.  Well, when Emily said I could join them it was indeed special and unique!  Her parents, Randy and Helen, flew up from Texas for the occasion.  Randy pastors a church and he was honored to baptize his grandson, Austin.  Helen baptized Taylor, then Randy dunked Nick and I asked Nick to baptize me.  It was a very special day with a special family.  Nick’s sister Heidi was there with her kids supporting all of us.  

Check out the shirts.  We all wore All In shirts from Randy and Helen’s church

Going All In for Jesus!

After that the busy week continued. We had a chance to visit with many old friends who have prayed for us on this journey.  We caught up with close friends at a Euchre party,  And we attended a 50th wedding anniversary party for our friends Dave and Nancy.  We’ve even went to two graduations for kids under six!  

Treatment Update:

Following the “Good News” session at the beginning of April we returned in early May for the next treatment.  I probably should stop telling everyone that I NEVER have any side affects. On this visit the doctor reminded me the main side affect they watch for with this new medicine is an increase in protein in the urine.  My recent count was 102 with 100 the number that requires some action.  So, for this month they cut my dosage in half from 100mg to 50mg to see if the number drops.  The best news is he told me this is not a side affect that I will feel.  It’s primarily an indicator they keep an eye on to protect the kidneys.

Some of you have asked me what this new drug is called.  As far as I can tell it is only referred to as VT3889.  I’m sure as it gets closer to approval the drug company or the FDA will throw a bunch of letters into a hat with extra Zs, Vs, and Hs and very few vowels in order to come up with a name no one can pronounce! 

I love my trial doctor, Dr. Yap.  He has a way of making you feel like we’re really getting somewhere with this trial.  On this visit he mentioned that he and some of the team went to a medical conference in Washington DC and did a presentation on VT3889.  I asked him how that went.  He paused, smiled a little and said, “well, we’re the talk of the town!”.   I’ve never had a more encouraging doctor.

Now that we’re in Alaska, our trips to Houston will be longer.  The next trip will be at the end of May where I will be doing another CT scan to check the tumors.  We are sort of excited to see if they remain stable or even better, continue to shrink,  We are praying they haven’t grown since the previous scan and that my protein level lowers.  Your prayers are much appreciated too!  The power of prayer and good attitudes help us to realize I am living with cancer.  I’d like to keep this up for the next 20 years or so!

A Quick Snapshot of the Last 5-6 weeks

Boy, did we get some travel in prior to arriving in Alaska.  Starting the first week of April, we did a trip to MDAnderson in Houston where we also took in a Houston Astros game vs. the Detroit Tigers.  Then, I traveled to Las Vegas for the Senior Spring World Championships with my Arizona softball team.  We played 9 games in 3 days and finished 6th out of 22 teams from around the U.S.  

After that we flew to see Rachel in Denver for 5-6 days.  Her husband Joel was working out of town so we concentrated on some fun projects at her house.  

Rachel and I tiling her range hood.

The three of us in Rachel and Joel’s sauna on wheels!

After that we drove to Long Beach CA for my Uncle Gary’s funeral.  It was a wonderful celebration of his life.  He was a strong man of God and loved by many.  When I go to a funeral of someone in their 90’s I feel it is a true celebration.  He and his wife, Aunt Patsi worked at a church school mentoring young people to lead a Christian life.  I can picture God saying to Gary, “well done, good and faithful servant!”

L to R, Aunt Patsi, and my Mom Willie!

A picture of Uncle Gary surrounded by his three sons, Greg, Lisa and Grant, and Connie and Jason

Such a busy month in April.  You can probably imagine with a travel schedule like that I must be feeling pretty well.  Indeed I am.  We are praying that these doctors continue to make advancements for all cancers that hold these diseases at bay and give people long periods of remission.  Someday, we may even see a cure.  

Thank you for reading Beating The Odds and following our journey.  I hope to post more frequently!

BTW, if you write a comment, please include your name in the text (or the drop down button). Many comments come to my email as Anonymous. Thanks!


  1. Back on the blog! Praying for good news for the scan and your follow up. So fun seeing you here. Just hanging out like “life is good”. And it IS! Looking forward to seeing you late next week! I like the sound of that!

  2. What a wonderful few weeks you have been having. 💗 Glad to have you back in Alaska for a little bit, and hope to see you and Diane when you come back again. We move back to Canada on July 19. 😭

    1. This is from Jill & Rob, it kept giving me an error when I tried to publish with our names.

  3. Finally! You haven't blogged all the wonderful news! Hope your doctor is reading this! Of course,he's probably too busy writing his blog about his miracle patient. He'll need the reference for the Nobel Prize speech ❤️❤️❤️


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